Noteworthy News – Feb. 15, 2017

The Grab Your Wallet campaign shakes up the retail scene, Trump and Trudeau to OK pre-clearance for cargo at the border and self-driving vehicles could expose the mining sector to serious threats. Here’s this week’s Noteworthy News:

Noteworthy News – February 15, 2017

  1. As the Grab Your Wallet campaign blossoms, brands and consumers alike embrace the growing power of social media in the retail arena. The woman behind the Trump brand ban points out how activism is prompting businesses to take action. Via The Toronto Star
  1. Trump and Trudeau stress the importance of economic links between the two nations as NAFTA changes loom. In a recent joint statement, the two leaders point to the quick completion of the Gordie Howe International Bridge in Detroit and a commitment to implementing pre-clearance operations for cargo. Via Today’s Trucking
  1. Canada’s largest construction project is the first in Quebec to allow union safety specialists on site in an effort to mitigate tragic accidents. Four workers have died on the Hydro-Québec La Romaine work site since the project began in 2009. Via CBC
  1. Dakota Access pipeline work is to proceed, says a U.S. federal judge. The Cheyenne River and Standing Rock Sioux tribes continue their fight against the pipeline build, as construction progresses faster than expected. Via CBC
  1. As autonomous vehicles gain ground in the mining sector, concerns about digital security continue to arise – particularly where industrial control systems are involved. Experts point to the computer virus infestation that wreaked havoc in Iran’s nuclear program as a grim example of problems to come. Via Canadian Underwriter

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