Noteworthy News – Apr. 20, 2017

Plans to widen a stretch of Highway 401 could relieve congestion while creating more jobs in the GTA, Trump has his eye on curbing the Canadian dairy sector’s influence and Toronto plans to inject millions into new construction projects to strengthen infrastructure. Here’s this week’s Noteworthy News.

Noteworthy News – April 20, 2017

  1. A proposal to widen Highway 401 for 18 kilometers between Mississauga and Milton could be a boon for the construction industry and commuters alike. Via On-Site
  1. NAFTA renegotiation talk is escalating tensions between American and Canadian dairy farmers, as they find themselves caught in the middle of powerful political interests. Via Financial Post
  1. The Adrenalys program has moved into Ontario, aiming to help companies across the province make the leap from small business to mid-size business with investor partnerships and a strong network of successful peers. Via the Globe and Mail
  1. The Canadian freight sector is booming, and the double-digit increases in freight volumes and more equipment capacity mean it could be a great time for new carriers to join the industry. Via Truck News
  1. The City of Toronto plans to spend more than $550 million on construction projects to support struggling infrastructure in the face of a rapidly growing population. Via Huffington Post
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