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Noteworthy News – June 7, 2017

Canada Post and PayPal have a big plan to help small businesses, corporate social media users may want to protect themselves with libel insurance, and mid-market manufacturing is faring well in the face of global economic uncertainty.  Here’s this week’s Noteworthy News.

Noteworthy News – June 7, 2017

  1. Thousands of Canadian small and mid-size businesses don’t sell online, so Canada Post and PayPal are joining forces to help them embrace e-commerce by simplifying the shipping and order fulfillment process. Via Newswire
  1. A massive fire has engulfed an Abbotsford, B.C. barn, killing as many as 10,000 chickens, destroying the structure, and highlighting some major risks of livestock farming in Canada. Via CBC
  1. The Ontario Government is modernizing its Construction Laws – do you know how the changes could affect your contracting business? Via On-Site
  1. Courtney Love’s recent legal battle proves that an active Twitter presence can land you in very hot water. Is it worth investing in libel insurance if your business rests heavily on social media? Via Financial Post
  1. Recent reports show that the manufacturing sector is strong, especially for mid-market companies, who are seeing more growth around the globe despite economic uncertainty. Via Canadian Manufacturing
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