
Noteworthy News – August 23, 2017

Ride-sharing legislation could be reintroduced to Vancouver, health professionals voice their opinions on the federal government’s proposed tax plans, and unstable conditions in B.C. have resulted in tougher recovery efforts in areas affected by the wildfires. Read more for this week’s Noteworthy News:

Noteworthy News – August 23, 2017

  1. Canadian manufacturing sales figures fell 1.8 % in June after three consecutive months of gains, according to Statistic Canada’s monthly report. Via Business News Network
  1. Ride-sharing legislation may be reintroduced in Vancouver. Industry experts say the taxi industry won’t oppose the plan, but will push for changes to level the playing field. Via Global News
  1. Cybercriminals capitalized on public fears of the WannaCry ransomware by sending spam and phishing emails to offer businesses cyber protection services. Via Canadian Underwriter
  1. Health professionals believe the federal government’s tax proposal will have a harmful effect on patients, as the proposed idea will make it more difficult for physicians to practice. Via The Globe and Mail
  1. Gusty winds and unstable weather conditions have made the B.C. wildfires larger and stronger, resulting in tougher recovery efforts for the crew members. Via CTV News
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